Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Post #1 Literary Devices

Learning Goal:  Understand the use of imagery, figurative language, and symbolism in fiction.
1.        Identify a literary device used in the novel.  Copy the line and page number.
2.       Explain how the device helped to make meaning clear.
3.       What effect did the device have on the mood, tone, or message?
Refer to pages 538-539 of the blue Holt Elements of Literature textbook for detailed descriptions of literary devices.  The main literary devices include imagery, figurative language, and symbolism. According to our textbook they can be defined as:
Imagery is language that creates pictures.  Imagery can reach our other senses.  It can help us not only to see something but also to smell or taste it, hear it, and feel its texture and temperature. (Example: “The first stroke of the young violinist’s bow produced a piercing whine, so unintended that the artist’s eyes rolled in sympathy with his audience.” )
Figurative language includes similes, metaphors, and personification.
In a simile, a writer compares two unlike things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’ or ‘than’ or ‘resembles.’
(Example:  “The sea was as smooth as glass.” )
In a metaphor a writer compares two things directly, without using the words like, as, than, or resembles.  (Example:  “The sea was a sheet of glass.”)
In personification something nonhuman is given human characteristics.  (Example:  “The sea sang a song of peace.”)
In literature a symbol is a person, place, or thing that stands for itself and for something beyond itself as well. For example, a red rose might stand for or symbolize love.


  1. the main buildings of clifton loomed liked hulkig animals. and this is a simile and it helps me becuase i can almost vizualize the seen in my head like all th lights and the streets
    period 3

  2. the main building of clifton loomed liked hulking animals.thats a simile and it helps the reader visualize and understand the book better.

  3. They can sleep through a blizzard. That would be figuretive language!!!!

    Ellie Y.
    Period 4

  4. "The main buildings of Clifton loomed like hulking animals." Similie. :P

    (Oh, and FRIED CHICKEN, with eleven exlimation points!!!!!!!!!!!)

  5. " She gave Nicole the "Oh, aren't you so precious" look that she gave Jessie when Jessie said that the town wasn't authentic."

    I think this would be symbolism because she is basically saying that that the symbol of "Oh aren't you so precious" is that look. Or something.


  6. David-- I disagree. I see where your thinking is going, but it is not a symbol. The tour guide did not really think Nicole was precious. It seems like a sarcastic comment. She did not literally mean she was precious, but maybe a little annoying.

  7. She eased out of bed, being careful not to disturb her sister hannah. I think that is a personification.
    Corey S. Period 7

  8. "Caleb was the biggest chicken in Clifton school." We think this is a metaphor because it is not using like or as. He is not really a chicken. It means he was acting scared. It is comparing how a chicken acts to how he was acting. From Meghan and Allison Period 3
